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Stretching your way to success

Has the pandemic got you living a mediocre life that you don't even recognize? Has Netflix become one of your best friends? You are not alone. Right now we are all just trying to normalize the current situation we are in. I feel like I have gone through so many different cycles just in the last year.

At the beginning I was stressed, then I got creative with my time, then I was bored with all of the extra time, then I was mad because I couldn't work and had too much time. I feel like this is the one thing we really have all gone through together, is the emotional roller coaster of this year. Am I right?

I thought that if we made it through the holidays there would be some light at the end of the tunnel, some sort of hope of things getting better. Then, after Christmas my cat passed away and that was it. I had had it with 2020 and all the crap that went with it. I cried for a few days until literally I was all cried out, no more tears emerged. During this time I didn't socialize or go on social media really, because I was wallowing in my own sadness and pain for my furry soulmate. This is what led me to so much clarity.

For once during this chaotic year I sat with myself, shed all the tears, come clean with where I was at and where I wished I was. I made a vision board all of the things I had dreamed up for myself and honestly to make myself a littler happier. This spurred so much energy inside of me because I felt cleansed and ready to kick ass and take names.

After making the vision board and seeing all of the things in one place that made me feel lit up I was inspired to START doing these things I was seeing that were sparking my joy. This is where the stretching comes into play.

Without second guessing and overthinking it I stretched outside my comfort zone and started to just DO. I looked at my vision board, found one task to focus on and wrote out all the things I could do that would make the dream more doable. I carved out a few hours in my week to simply focus on the tasks and mentally prepared for the worst but hoped for the best.

I utilized all of my favorite resources: Youtube, Pinterest, Books, and Social Media to research how to do the things I have never done before. This sparked so much JOY and happiness that I kept doing it. I was hooked to this feeling and creating things I have never thought possible. Following this feeling and keeping at the things that made me feel this way led me to create more things that were on my vision board and it was all because I STRETCHED outside my comfort zone and took the leap.

If you feel overwhelmed, the key is to pick one thing that makes you happy or brings you joy and focus on it, how to expand it, make money from it or make more of it and share it with the world. I believe in you and what you can bring into the world by simply stretching more.

~If this resonated with you in some way, I would appreciate it if you would share it with a friend!~

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