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  • Writer's pictureErin

Staying calm when the world is crumbling

I know life hasn't been easy and just when we thought things were getting better, they get worse. We are all feeling some version of this right now and it's ok to feel all the feelings. You are human, and what is going on right now isn't normal. At some point though you have to find the calm in the chaos to maintain your own sanity and move forward.

Here is where it all comes back to self reflection and knowing what you need. Getting through these stressful, unpredictable and sometimes scary times involves knowing who you are and what makes you happy or at least what eases some anxiety for you.

It is a great time to shut out the noise around you and really focus on what is missing from your daily life and what small thing you can do for yourself right now to lighten the mood. I know from personal experience that when I watch the news, or Facebook, Tik Tok or Instagram too much I start to feel horrible. As soon as I realize this, I take a step back, put my phone away and go do something productive.

Don't overcomplicate it, just think of one thing that will bring a smile to your face by doing it.

Repeat this every day for at least a week, make this your mission! If you continue to add more things to your day that make you smile, eventually you will be living a life filled with joy and happiness instead of stress and anxiety!

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