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Speaking your desires out loud

Once you figure out what you want out of life how do you actually get it? Maybe you haven't gotten that far yet, and you don't yet know what it is that you want. That would be the first step, figure out what you want, what makes you happy and what gets you excited about life.

After you figure out what you want, the next best thing is to go after it, right?

How do you do that? What if you're scared? What if you don't actually know if your goals are possible or what that would look like for you?

What if I told you that this doubt happens to everyone that decides to do big things, make big changes and go for what they actually desire?

Everyone experiences doubt, especially when they are going after something that really matters. There is a simple solution to get you out of this rut and headed in the right direction. Affirmations!

Creating and speaking your desires/affirmations every day programs your brain to believe in what it is you are speaking and helps your subconscious to look for ways to make it happen.

What is an affirmation you ask? This is a statement affirming something is true and then speaking it into existence. Its easiest to write a list of your desires (what you really want) and then creating a statement about it. For example, "I am strong" repeated every day out loud, even multiple times a day will program your brain to think you are strong. If you keep speaking this out loud daily eventually you will be strong.

You can do this with anything you wish to create or change in yourself and your life.

The best way to get started is think of 3 simple statements and repeat these every day, multiple times a day out loud and if you can do it in the mirror, thats even better. Try this for 2 weeks and monitor what happens and how you feel. I believe you will start to see changes develop in your life and your mood for the better.

I will leave you with a few affirmative statements to get your brain going:

~ I am smart

~ I am wealthy

~ I am working at my dream job

~ I am healthy

~ I am driving my dream car

~ I am getting that raise

~ I am happy today

~ I look great in this outfit

~ I have amazing friends that are always there for me

~ I am moving to the beach

~ I am making money doing what I love

~ I have more than enough clients

**If you got something from this post, please share it with you family and friends and subscribe to my email list!

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