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Self Care During COVID

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

Today I want to come on here and talk about self care. I feel like this is the first thing we let go of and forget about when life gets busy and things get stressful. I know lately you have been taking care of everyone else and putting yourself on the back burner. You are not alone, this happens to the best of us.

Self care is really simple and one act of self care benefits you for 3 days! That sounds crazy, but it's true! So why aren't we talking more about this and making it a priority?

Self care should be your number one priority because filling up your cup first helps you to take on the world with a better attitude and maybe even a smile.

Some easy things you can do for self care are:

Painting your nails

Watching a show that is exciting for you to watch

Read a book

Carving out quiet time to be alone

Give yourself a facial

Write down your goals and dreams


Listening to your favorite songs and dance around your house

Go for a walk out in nature

Making your favorite meal

Create something

The key to fitting in self care is creating windows of time in your day and making it a priority. If you have something to look forward to you aren't going to get caught up in the news or social media for hours. The goal is to focus on yourself and making yourself happy.

Self care is what is going to give you that sanity to do the chores, go to work, feed the kids, hang out with your partner and do it with a good attitude and positive outlook. Your family and friends will notice you have a little kick in your step.

Start your self care routine with just one self care act per week and work on building it up to becoming a daily practice. This routine does not include beating yourself up or stressing out about what to do. It is to bring more joy and happiness into your life and to start practicing making yourself happy.~

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