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Reduce Your Stress With 3 Simple Tips

Are you noticing your zest for life has diminished? Maybe you are just caught up in the daily grind and not feeling your best. You could actually be experiencing stress. Stress can sneak up on us when we least expect it and wreak serious havoc without you noticing.

The holidays are here and we should be enjoying the lights, egg nog, our families, and the parties without the stress looming in the background.

I came up with these 3 tips that I use to reduce stress and get back to my best self, hopefully they will work for you too!

Stress Reducing Tip #1

Go outside and breathe deep for at least 10 minutes.

This is so easy to do and so easy to forget to do. Even just 10 minutes being outside can get you back in touch with nature's rhythm. Remember to take deep breaths when you are out there to really feel the full release. Do this as often as you like or need, the key is to be consistent about it and aim to get outside every day.

Stress Reducing Tip #2

Brain dump all of the to-do's onto paper.

Writing down everything that is swirling around in your brain can really free up some space and help you to make sense of what's important and what isn't. The process of writing it all down becomes stress relieving because it has been recorded and you no longer have to remember everything. Now you can start planning to tackle the items on the list or even better start delegating those tasks to someone else.

Stress Reducing Tip #3

Get moving and have fun!

Put on your favorite song, the louder the better and you have to dance for the entire length of the song! This sounds crazy, but it works! Every morning try this, I do it and it always makes me laugh, it starts my day off in the best way and really lightens the mood!

These are some of the things that I do when I am feeling like life is taking over and draining me. I notice an immediate shift in my thoughts, energy and how my day unfolds after incorporating these simple things.

Leave a comment if you try any one of these and how you feel after!

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