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  • Writer's pictureErin

Prioritizing Self Care During the Holidays

Taking good care of yourself is the MOST important job you have as a woman!

As women, we tend to give, give, give to everyone else, especially if you have children. We know that the holidays can put more stress on everything you were already juggling.

Buying gifts, making holiday goodies, decorating, hosting parties, it's a lot and no one is going to be giving you a break or telling you to slow down and do something for you.

Don't worry I will!

"Sit down and take a time out!"

Self care can be simple like going for a walk every night after dinner or reading a book, taking a bath, locking yourself in your room away from everyone else for 10 min. (I used to give myself "time outs" when my daughter was little.)

Whatever you choose, you want to aim to do something every single day to really make it stick and feel the best you can. Your mood, adrenals and family will thank me

If you aren't in good health, you are not going to be able to keep up with the housework,

taking care of your kids,

paying the bills,

engaging in your relationships with your family and friends or partner.

This is why filling up your cup is so dang important!

Taking time out each day even for 5 minutes to breathe, slow down and center yourself.

A happy and full woman is the most desirable and magnetic person to be around.

Get your loved ones involved in your practice and let them know that you need a little bit of time every day for yourself to be your absolute best for them. This sets them up to support you and be your cheering section and maybe they will volunteer to help out a little more!

When you get into a practice of self care you become a much happier person to be around, and it is easier to handle those day-to-day tasks on your plate.

Did you know 1 self care act benefits you for 3 DAYS!

It's true, doing 1 act of self care actually makes you feel good for 3 whole days! This is so important to your mental health in order to keep up with hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

Start planning some things that really make you feel good and don't take up too much time and schedule them into your day!

Send me a message on IG @etotheizzay and let me know if you tried this and how you feel!

Happy Holidays!



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