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  • Writer's pictureErin


Updated: Feb 9, 2021

Life has been an upside down mess now for almost a year and we have survived so much. When things got rough and we had to put our heads down and power through, we did. Jobs got cut, people were told they could no longer work, homeschooling became a normal thing. That trip to the grocery store was now considered going "out." The joy was ripped from our lives and replaced with stress, responsibility, anxiety and worry in a matter of weeks.

As I was adapting to this new normal I started to experiment with new things I have never done before. I planted a garden, took up roller skating, decorated my house and I watched a whole lot of Netflix.

Having the freedom to do what I want day after day after day was actually becoming really exciting, as long as I didn't overthink the state of the world. I don't remember having so much freedom to actually choose what I wanted to do with my day and have no time restrictions put on me. It was really starting to excite me.

I was actually making the decision to wake up early every day on purpose, because that meant I had more time to play and do anything I wanted to do. Keep in mind this did take a little time to actually get into the rhythm of doing because I had a child at home in virtual school. Once that routine was set up for the day I could do anything my heart desired! This felt magnificent!

The more I played, the happier I was and the less I watched or listened to the news. This then spiraled into setting up goals for myself and really making a plan of attack. I played in some way or another every day and every day I got clearer on my vision for my dream life and what it would take to achieve it. I did not have to overthink this, it just came to me. The answers became clear because I was playing and being in my body more and less in my mind.

My mission in life has always been to have the most fun and enjoy every second of it. This is where play has become my go to. Whenever I get caught up in the media or comparing myself to what other people are doing I go back to setting aside time to do things that feel fun and make me happy.

It has been almost a year since the pandemic started and I can honestly say I have accomplished more this past year including play than I have in the past two years.

I encourage you to take some time to do things that feel fun and make you happy and see what kind of success unfolds.

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