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  • Writer's pictureErin

Less thinking, more action~

In the past two weeks I have stopped thinking! Well maybe not completely, but I am definitely not thinking about every tiny detail of every single situation like I was before.

Thinking too much is not a good thing. We are smart human beings and we have an intuition for a reason. We need to start listening to it more. The more you slow down, get quiet, and listen to what your gut says the easier life becomes.

Your intuition or gut, whatever you want to call it can actually help you live a better life. By paying attention to your natural gut instincts you save a lot of time that you would have spent thinking and actually produce more by doing.

The best way to cash in on this is to slow down and pay attention to what you feel you want to do and just do it. I started doing this and I swear I have accomplished more in a few days than I have in an entire year.

In one day I started my very own Etsy store, created 12 items to list in my store, wrote a blog post for my website, added multiple pages to my website, learned 3 new skills, went to the gym, and even had plenty of time to cook and hang out with my kid.

This day left me feeling satisfied, fulfilled and excited for the next day all because I wasn't caught up in my head. I encourage you to give yourself one day to really stop and listen to your gut and act on what it guides you to do. Leave me a message and let me know how it went!

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