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  • Writer's pictureErin

Investing in your appearance is a good thing

In this modern world I feel like you are labeled as superficial if you are spending money on your appearance. However, I feel like if you have the extra money to spend on yourself and your appearance it can only lead to better things. By investing in yourself whether that be your outer appearance or your education or your career it all comes back to you ten fold.

When you take pride in how you look, or dress, or smell it boosts your confidence and enhances your vision of yourself. When you enhance this vision it makes you believe in yourself more and could even lead you to take bold action which in turn could change the course of your life for the better.

Believing in yourself and that you can do hard things sometimes can be a hard pill to swallow, but if taking some time out to get a pedicure or even a new wardrobe makes you believe in yourself just a little bit more, isn't it worth it?

As women, especially mothers we just aren't filling up our cup first and setting an example for our children on how a woman should take are of herself. When women are happy and full they will always spill over the extra energy and love onto the ones around them and everyone wins.

How are you taking care of yourself and investing in your appearance, leave a comment!

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