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How to start setting goals for yourself

Do you ever wonder how people get the motivation to get things done? Do you find yourself wanting to do things, but not knowing how to actually take that first step to make it happen?

I don't know about you, but I love goals. I am not sure if that is because achieving those goals is so rewarding or if I just love the organization of it all.

About 20 years ago I found myself saying I wish this and I wish that to a lot of things that were small and achievable, but I had no idea how to actually motivate myself to work towards those things and what steps to take.

First things first, I wrote down 5 things that I thought would be really cool to accomplish. This doesn't have to be anything that stresses you out. Start small, things like drink more water, organize my closet, go for a walk daily. Keep it simple. Back then, my goals were things like buy cute jeans that look good on my butt, or try that new hairstyle I saw in the magazine.

After you write down your 5 goals, write down when you want to have these goals completed. For most, it will be right away because we are so programmed for instant gratification and thats ok. Try spacing out your goals, lets say 1 goal per week.

So if your goal is to sleep more, have that be your only focus for the week so you are not overwhelming yourself. Next, you are going to schedule this into your week somewhere and put it into your phone, write it down and stick reminders all over your house, car, etc. You want to stay focused on what it is you want to accomplish.

If your goal is to get 7 hours of sleep nightly then you want to plan out what time you would have to be in bed and sleeping and what time you would be waking up to achieve the 7 hours of sleep. Set alarms on your phone to hold yourself accountable. Write it down on paper and cross it off every time you succeed, this is great to reinforce what a great job you are doing. The main focus is to keep is light and fun like a game you are playing with yourself to see if you can actually do it.

Every time you succeed and cross it off your paper it fires off feel good signals in your brain and boosts your confidence. At the end of the week, hopefully you will have a paper filled with a bunch of checkmarks showing you that you accomplished a simple task that seemed impossible when you started.

This can be used for any goal that you have, all you have to do is create a checklist and carve out some time to actually work on the goal. Set some alarms to keep you accountable and also be mindful of how you feel every day when you work towards something.

Our lives are meant to be lived to the fullest and have the most fun possible, not just simply exist. So set some goals, schedule them into your life, and make it fun!This method is what I have used for the past 20 years and I have achieved large and small goals ranging from finding cute jeans to creating my best physique and competing in 3 bodybuilding competitions. No one set those goals for me, I did that! I set the goals, set up the systems, and worked every day to kill it.

So go out and start smashing those goals that you dream about!

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