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How to get EVERYTHING you want

Are you overwhelmed by life and the constant chatter being fed to you through media on how to get this and achieve that?

You are not alone. So many people, including myself are overstimulated by all of the "noise" going on around us. Things like how to lose weight, make more money, find that one true love, mastering your mindset, etc. etc.

In the past year, I have paid special attention to when I get overwhelmed, how I feel, what I am pulled to do about it and stepped into action.


This action for me has been my routine. I have a routine that has always worked for me in getting my mind, body, mood and life back on track.

Now I'm not saying you have to use my routine, but what I am saying is this routine is a CONSTANT in my life. So whenever I have started slacking in life or forget who I am or what my mission is, I go back to this routine.

This routine for me embodies things that are truly who I AM and what I LOVE. For me, its working out daily, eating healthy, reading, meditating and saying positive things to myself.

When I practice these things on a consistent daily basis I am ALWAYS successful. This just works for me. It works for my mind, body and life.

So what I am suggesting to you is to curate a daily routine that isn't overwhelming, but actually joyful to do and something that you know makes you feel better.

When I first started, it started with getting up early, then I added in reading a few pages of a good book, then writing down things I was grateful for, then getting ready and going to the gym.

These things took time for me to ingrain in my brain as a habit, and once I had the hang of one, I would add on another and so forth.

The main point here I am trying to make is that CONSISTENCY is the key. Once you have created a routine that you stick with as best you can and aim to do it daily, it becomes part of you and you no longer question why or if you are going to do it.

That being said, make sure you are doing things that truly sound good to you and you know will make a positive impact on your life. When you start doing this it will boost your confidence, and you will start moving toward the life you desire by making choices that reflect who you are and what you want. These choices will snowball and before you know it your dreams will start happening, almost like magic.

If you don't know how or where to start, start with getting up 15 minutes earlier than you usually do and writing down 3 things you are grateful for. This will change your thinking and get you outside of your comfort zone.

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