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5 Healthy Habits to Practice Daily

Are you having a hard time keeping up with all of the fad diets and trends to lose weight, boost your mental health, stay energized throughout the day, etc., etc.?

I know I have to put blinders on because it seems every day there is a new tea to try to lose weight or some new meditation trick to enhance your mental health and its exhausting.

We are bombarded every single day with tips and tricks for everything under the sun and your brain can only retain so much information, but I have good news for you!

The secret is to keep it simple and take it back to the basics.

Whenever I am wanting to lose a little weight, feel better about myself, get better sleep, reduce my daily stress I resort back to these 5 healthy habits and I focus on doing them consistently every single day!

The following habits will always work to clear your mind, reduce your stress, boost your mood, and change your mindset;


Going to bed at the same time every night regulates your circadian rhythm and helps you to get better sleep every night which then makes handling the stressful situations a lot easier.


Drinking water throughout the day regulates your mood and keeps you hydrated so you are not slipping into dehydration mode, which can make you grouchy, cause headaches and have brain fog as well as low energy to function throughout the day.


Whenever you feel anxious this is because you are living in the future and lets be real you cannot control the future you can only control what you are doing right now.

Whenever you feel stressed or angry you are living in the past and you can't change that either.

The only control you have is over this very moment right now and staying present is where the magic lies. You can make choices right now to enhance your future and change the way you feel by focusing on the feelings you want to feel.

You are the creator of your world and when you switch your mindset to that of a creator, anything is possible. Be in this moment now, pay attention to what lights you up and follow that.


I realize that not everyone is great with affirmations or creating their own.

It really can be something so simple as "I am having a great day" or "I am free to do whatever sounds fun today" or "My skin is glowing and clear."

Saying a few affirmations daily that are positive really has a huge impact on your mental state and starts to shift the way you perceive things in the world and what is going on around you.

By changing your perception from negative to positive you will view circumstances with a better attitude and this can not only relieve stress but it can cause a storm full of positive events to happen for you, and around you.

If you have a hard time coming up with affirmations, use someone else's that resonate for you. You can find them if you do a Google search.


When life gets busy and you start feeling overwhelmed or like things are spinning out of control, go for a walk!

This always works for me when I find myself doing too much and not feeling like I am actually living my life.

It is a great reset for your mood, but it reminds you to breathe and appreciate the blue sky, green grass and the sounds of nature.

It really tickles all of your senses and is a great reminder that you are an important part of this big, beautiful world.

It doesn't have to be a long walk, but even just sitting out in the grass, near trees, water, flowers, all of it. The best part is that it is free and available to everyone.


If you use any of these tips or have tried any of them, leave a comment and let me know your feedback! How did it change your life?

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